Taffia Cothan

February, 2020

Shot on Super 8 and featuring performance by artist Lauren Jane Sheerman, Taffia Cothan [8mins], filmed February 2020 in Coventry Cathedral, takes inspiration from the staggering hand-craftsmanship illustrated in the film An Act of Faith by Robin Whitworth and John Read, the first colour documentary made for broadcast on the BBC in 1962, about the building of the new Cathedral. Sheerman and I traced a loop around the Cathedral, looking into its finer details and basking in the beauty of its wide-ranging artistry. The highly tactile themes explored are intended to mirror within the chosen analogue medium.

Taffia Cothan, an anagram of An Act of Faith, was created following an open call seeking new films in response to the 1962 film, a call proposed by Professor of Film & Television at Warwick University, Helen Wheatley.

Camera loan & tech support from Alan Van Wijgerden

Mutated soundtrack: field recording of Cathedral organist

A screening event was held at Coventry Cathedral 3rd October, 2020 hosted by Ghost Town, a research project led by Professor Helen Wheatley based at Warwick University. Taffia Cothan will also be screened 9th May 2024 for Helen’s book launch Television/Death. Please email adelemreed@yahoo.co.uk to view or discuss screenings.